The red tomcat in this video is meowing repeatedly (perhaps calling for a female?) as he patrols and scent marks his home territory.
The domestic cat Kompis was injured in a fight with another cat and had large infected wounds in his face when he came to us. We took him to the vet, and treated is wounds daily. Still, being a tom cat (we could not neuter him until his wounds had healed completely), he could not resist the urge to "sing" to our female cat Donna at the other side of the fence. This video only shows a short sequence of his "serenade" of meows, trills and trill-meows, which went on for hours.
The tom cat Kompis first meows to court our spayed female cat, and then notices me and meows in a completely different way (much higher pitch). He came to us with infected wounds in his face (he probably got them in a fight with another cat). We took him to the vet, who treated them and Kompis stayed with us. We love him.
In this video clip, the domestic cat Vimsan (who is in heat) is trilling and cooing softly.
Another sound that our cat Vimsan made was soft weak trilling. Can you hear them in this video?
This is one of the few videos I have of Vimsan the only time she was in heat (she was neutered shortly after) as she had come to live with us. In this video clip she is mewing repeatedely.
I found this video of a female cat in heat on YouTube.
I also found this video of a female cat in heat on YouTube. Can you hear that this cat calls in a slightly different way than the previous one?