Schötz, S. in press 2020. Domestic Cat Intra- and Interspecific Vocal Communication. In M. Elmentaler & O. Niebuhr (Eds.), Kiel Research on Linguistics (Kieler Forschungen zur Sprachwissenschaft) (pp. 319–411). Peter Lang Publishing Group.
Schötz, S. 2020. Phonetic Variation in Cat–Human Communication. In A. Sousa & M. Pastorinho (Eds.), Pets as Sentinels, Forecasters and Promoters of Human Health (pp. 319–347). Springer International Publishing AG, Switzerland.
Schötz, S. 2019. Kattens hemliga språk : Lär dig att förstå och kommunicera med din katt. Forum. ISBN: 9789137152837
Schötz, S, van de Weijer, J. & Eklund, R. 2019. Phonetic Methods in Cat Vocalisation Studies: A report from the Meowsic project. In: Proceedings from Fonetik 2019 10-12 June 2019, Stockholm Sweden. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3245999, pp. 55–60.
Schötz, S. 2019. Paralinguistic Information and Biological Codes in Intra- and Interspecific Vocal Communication: A pilot study of Humans and Domestic Cats. In: Proceedings from Fonetik 2019 10-12 June 2019, Stockholm Sweden. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3245999, pp. 67–72.
Schötz, S., van de Weijer, J., & Eklund, R. (2019). Melody matters: An acoustic study of domestic cat meows in six contexts and four mental states. In A. Dassow, R. Marxer, R. K. Moore, & D. Stowell (Eds.), Proceedings of VIHAR 2019 (pp. 29–34). London.
Schötz, S. 2018. The Secret Language of Cats : How to understand your cat for a better, happier relationship. Hanover Square Press. ISBN: 978-1-335-01389-7
Schötz, S. 2017. Die geheime Sprache der Katzen. Salzburg: Ecowin. ISBN-10: 3711001211; ISBN-13: 978-3711001214
Schötz, S, van de Weijer, J. & Eklund, R. 2017. Phonetic Characteristics of Domestic Cat Vocalisations. In: Angela Dassow, Ricard Marxer & Roger K. Moore (eds.): Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Vocal Interactivity in-and-between Humans, Animals and Robots, VIHAR 2017, 25–26 August 2017, University of Skövde, Sweden. ISBN 978-2-9562029-0-5, pp. 5–6.
Schötz, S., Eklund, R. & van de Weijer, J. 2016. Melody in Human–Cat Communication (Meowsic): Origins, Past, Present and Future, To appear in Proceedings of Fonetik 2016, Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH, Stockholm.
Eklund, R. 2015. Grimaldi’s “Discovery of the Cat Language”: A theory in need of revival (or perhaps not?) In: Proceedings from Fonetik 2015. Working Papers 55/2015, 8–10 June 2015, Centre for Languages and Literature, General Linguistics/Phonetics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, ISSN 0280-526X, pp. 27–30.
Schötz, S. 2015. Agonistic Vocalisations in Domestic Cats: A Case Study. In: Proceedings from Fonetik 2015. Working Papers 55/2015, 8–10 June 2015, Centre for Languages and Literature, General Linguistics/Phonetics, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, ISSN 0280-526X, pp. 85–90. [pdf]
Schötz, S. & van de Weijer, J. 2014. A Study of Human Perception of Intonation in Domestic Cat Meows. In Proceedings of Speech Prosody 2014, Dublin, pp. 874–878.
Schötz, S. & van de Weijer, J. 2014. A Study of Human Perception of Intonation in Domestic Cat Meows. In Proceedings of Fonetik 2014, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University, 89–94.
Schötz, S. 2014. A pilot study of human perception of emotions from domestic cat vocalisations. In Proceedings of Fonetik 2014, Department of Linguistics, Stockholm University, pp. 95–100.
Eklund, R. & Peters, G. 2013. A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in juvenile, subadult and adult cheetahs. In: Robert Eklund (ed.), Proceedings of Fonetik 2013, the XXVIth Swedish Phonetics Conference, Studies in Language and Culture, no. 21, 12–13 June 2013, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7519-582-7, eISBN 978-91-7519-579-7, ISSN 1403-2570, pp. 25–28.
Schötz, S. 2013. A phonetic pilot study of chirp, chatter, tweet and tweedle in three domestic cats. In: Robert Eklund (ed.), Proceedings of Fonetik 2013, the XXVIth Swedish Phonetics Conference, Studies in Language and Culture, no. 21, 12–13 June 2013, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden. ISBN 978-91-7519-582-7, eISBN 978-91-7519-579-7, ISSN 1403-2570, pp. 65–68. [pdf]
Eklund, R., Peters, G., Weise, F. & Munro, S. 2012. A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in four cheetahs. In: Proceedings from FONETIK 2012. Gothenburg, Sweden, May 30–June 1, 2012, pp. 41–44.
Eklund, R., Peters, G., Weise, F. & Munro, S. 2012. An acoustic analysis of agonistic sounds in wild cheetahs. In: Proceedings from FONETIK 2012. Gothenburg, Sweden, May 30–June 1, 2012, pp. 37–40.
Schötz, S. 2012. A phonetic pilot study of vocalisations in three cats. In: Proceedings of Fonetik 2012, Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, University of Gothenburg, pp. 45–48. ISBN: 978-91-637-0985-2.
Ananthakrishnan, G., Ekund, R., Peters, G. & Mabiza, E. 2011. An acoustic analysis of lion roars. II: Vocal tract characteristics. In: Quarterly Progress and Status Report TMH-QPSR, Volume 51, 2011. Proceedings from Fonetik 2011. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 8–10 June 2011, pp. 5–8.
Ananthakrishnan, G., Ekund, R., Peters, G. & Mabiza, E. 2011. An acoustic analysis of lion roars. II: Vocal tract characteristics. In: Quarterly Progress and Status Report TMH-QPSR, Volume 51, 2011. Proceedings from Fonetik 2011. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 8–10 June 2011, pp. 5–8.
Eklund, R., Peters, G., Ananthakrishnan, G. & Mabiza, E.. 2011. An acoustic analysis of lion roars. I: Data collection and spectrogram and waveform analyses. In: Quarterly Progress and Status Report TMH-QPSR, Volume 51, 2011. Proceedings from Fonetik 2011. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, 8–10 June 2011, pp. 1–4.
Schötz, S., Eklund, R. 2011. A comparative acoustic analysis of purring in four cats. Proceedings of Fonetik 2011, Speech, Music and Hearing, KTH, Stockholm, TMH-QPSR, Vol. 51, pp. 9–12. [pdf]
Eklund, R., Peters, G. & Duthie, E. D. Duthie. 2010. An acoustic analysis of purring in the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) and in the domestic cat (Felis catus). In: Proceedings of Fonetik 2010, Lund University, 2–4 June 2010, Lund, Sweden, pp. 17–22.